216-403-3444 info@2DFlix.com

The slippery slope never stops slipping. Do you have a specific budget for your production or do you want a proposal on cost? Often, there are opportunities lost inside these considerations.

Sometimes it’s best to stand back from you project and determine how much you want to spend? Often times when costs are proposed, the client typically has 1 of 3 reactions. We call them the goldilocks answers.

  1. Too hot!
  2. Too cold!
  3. Ahhhh. That’s just right…

BUT there’s another overall strategy that we think suits everyone best. You can provide a budget range to us and we can tailor the piece to fit within it.

There are more efficient and economical methods to producing effective motion design. 2D animation is less technically intensive than complex 3D animations and offer a a more affordable path to success.

Overall length is another factor. Many times an animation or video can trimmed down to it’s essence and still communicate effectively. This way you can create a more concentrated message which retains more viewers than longer format pieces.